Mobile Inspections
in Metro Detroit
Your Trusted Partner for Vehicle and Truck to Metro Mobile Inspections in Metro Detroit
Keeping Metro Detroit’s Roads Safe and Vehicles Reliable
At Metro Mobile Inspections, we specialize in keeping Metro Detroit’s vehicles and trucks road-ready, compliant, and reliable. Whether you’re a truck owner, a small business with a fleet, or a potential buyer, our expert inspection services provide peace of mind, ensuring that your vehicles meet the highest standards of safety and performance.
Our main goal is the creation of convenience for our customer in that they don’t have to be out of service while waiting for a shop to get their turn to service them. We can get them scheduled and come to them (or have them come to us)

Keep your trucks compliant with our thorough Department of Transportation (DOT) inspections, essential for safe operation on the road.
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Pre-Purchase Inspections
Make informed decisions with our Pre-Purchase Inspection service. Before you buy a vehicle or truck, let our experienced inspectors provide a detailed, independent assessment of its condition.
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Periodic Inspections
For small businesses with 2 to 5 trucks, our Periodic Inspection service offers regular maintenance checks every 3, 6, or 12 months.
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At Metro Mobile Inspections, we understand the importance of ensuring that salvage vehicles are safe and roadworthy before returning to service.
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At Metro Mobile Inspections, we recognize the critical role that safety and compliance play in the ride-sharing industry
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Ready to schedule an inspection or have questions about our services?
Contact Metro Mobile Inspections today and let us help you keep your vehicles and trucks in peak condition. Whether you’re in need of a DOT inspection, considering a vehicle purchase, or managing a small fleet, we’re here to provide the expert service you can rely on.

Order Inspection
Contact us through the email or by phone
We perform the inspection
Either we come to you or you come to us
Receive your report
Your report will have the necessary information and inspector comments for any needed repairs.